Above: Swiss cotton eyelet bouffant dress reminiscent of the daytime formal look. Below: Tea-dyed hemp and silk gauze gown specially commissioned for a client.
Green brides are just going to have to spend a little more time and care choosing the dress. Since more are going custom or buying wedding wear in green-alternative boutiques, there's not only a need to know what materials go into the making of a dress but also who is making the piece and where. As one bride put it, "I couldn't stand up and make such an important commitment, knowing any part of what I had on my body might have been put together by prison labor or in a sweat mill. It just goes against everything I believe in." Going Green can mean wearing a dress in natural fibers: organic cotton, wool, linen, silk, and of course, hemp. It helps to have a knowledge of the natural dying process and thinking through what impact toxic dyes might have on the environment. Here are some questions to ask: Is that silk I love really its natural color? If it is tinted, was it done with non-toxic dye? Is that snow white silk taffeta chlorined? And was that cotton grown free of pesticides? If you find answers to these questions through the help of a green-savvy designer or seamstress, you could make this a real project planet-style endeavor.
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